We just want to thank you all very much for all the support you have given us and that we really appreciate everything. Speaking of which, the new Iconic Fashion Blog web designers are coming in next week to help us upgrade our website to make it more fabulous and we need your help. If you are any of the following, you might be interested or even if you know people who could help out, email us anyways...
- Aspirational fashion designers
- Aspirational fashion writers
- Aspirational fashion photographers
- Entrepreneurs
- PR companies
- Advertisers
We are currently looking for any of the above so that we can include you in our new launch of the new website from young designers to advertisers. Yes advertisers. Now is your chance to get affordable advertising which is all negotiable! Iconic FB is predicted to be better than ever and with the tricks up our sleeves, I'd hate for you to miss out.

xx TIFB editors
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